Go to the documentation of this file.
5 class world : public extend_get {
6 public:
12  static bool is_coord_valid(coord k);
18  static city_x find_nearest_city(coord k);
23  static integer get_season();
36  static bool remove_player(player_x pl);
51  static integer generate_goods(coord from, coord to, good_desc_x desc, integer count);
56  static player_x get_player(integer pl);
60  static time_ticks_x get_time();
65  static array<integer> get_citizens();
70  static array<integer> get_growth();
75  static array<integer> get_towns();
80  static array<integer> get_factories();
85  static array<integer> get_convoys();
90  static array<integer> get_citycars();
95  static array<integer> get_ratio_pax();
101  static array<integer> get_generated_pax();
106  static array<integer> get_ratio_mail();
112  static array<integer> get_generated_mail();
118  static array<integer> get_ratio_goods();
124  static array<integer> get_transported_goods();
129  static array<integer> get_year_citizens();
134  static array<integer> get_year_growth();
139  static array<integer> get_year_towns();
144  static array<integer> get_year_factories();
149  static array<integer> get_year_convoys();
154  static array<integer> get_year_citycars();
159  static array<integer> get_year_ratio_pax();
165  static array<integer> get_year_generated_pax();
170  static array<integer> get_year_ratio_mail();
176  static array<integer> get_year_generated_mail();
182  static array<integer> get_year_ratio_goods();
188  static array<integer> get_year_transported_goods();
192  static bool use_timeline();
202  static label_list_x get_label_list();
211  static coord get_size();
212 };
226 public:
230 private:
231  void _nexti();
232 public:
236 private:
237  building_x _get(integer);
238 public:
242  integer get_count();
243 };
257 public:
261 private:
262  void _nexti();
263 public:
267 private:
268  label_x _get(integer);
269 public:
273  integer get_count();
274 };
278 string get_pakset_name();
282 string get_version_number();
static array< integer > get_ratio_goods()
static player_x get_player(integer pl)
static bool is_coord_valid(coord k)
string get_version_number()
integer get_count()
label_x _get(integer)
static array< integer > get_year_transported_goods()
static array< integer > get_year_ratio_pax()
static array< integer > get_growth()
static label_list_x get_label_list()
static array< integer > get_transported_goods()
static array< integer > get_year_convoys()
static array< integer > get_year_ratio_mail()
static city_x find_nearest_city(coord k)
integer get_count()
static array< integer > get_year_citycars()
static array< integer > get_year_growth()
static array< integer > get_convoys()
static time_ticks_x get_time()
static array< integer > get_year_citizens()
static bool use_timeline()
building_x _get(integer)
static array< integer > get_generated_pax()
static attraction_list_x get_attraction_list()
static integer generate_goods(coord from, coord to, good_desc_x desc, integer count)
static array< integer > get_year_ratio_goods()
static array< integer > get_year_towns()
string get_pakset_name()
static bool remove_player(player_x pl)
static array< integer > get_citycars()
static array< integer > get_year_generated_mail()
static array< integer > get_year_generated_pax()
static array< integer > get_factories()
static array< integer > get_year_factories()
static array< integer > get_citizens()
static convoy_list_x get_convoy_list()
static array< integer > get_towns()
static array< integer > get_ratio_pax()
static array< integer > get_generated_mail()
static integer get_season()
static coord get_size()
static array< integer > get_ratio_mail()