Go to the documentation of this file.
7 void start();
17 void start(int pl_num);
24 void resume_game();
33 void resume_game(int pl_num);
39 void step();
46 void new_month();
53 void new_year();
63 string get_map_file();
74 string get_about_text(integer pl);
99 string get_rule_text(integer pl);
108 string get_goal_text(integer pl);
117 string get_info_text(integer pl);
126 string get_result_text(integer pl);
136 string get_debug_text(integer pl);
148 string get_api_version();
162 integer is_scenario_completed(integer pl);
177 bool is_tool_allowed(integer pl, integer tool_id, way_types wt);
201 string is_work_allowed_here(integer pl, integer tool_id, coord3d pos);
214 string is_schedule_allowed(integer pl, schedule_x schedule);
228 string is_convoy_allowed(integer pl, convoy_x convoy, depot_x depot);
238 string jump_to_link_executed(coord3d pos);
247 bool init(player_x pl);
256 bool exit(player_x pl);
266 string work(player_x pl, coord3d pos, int keys);
277 string do_work(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, int keys);
288 void mark_tiles(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, int keys);
297 bool mark_tile(coord3d pos);
312 void is_valid_pos(player_x pl, coord3d pos, coord3d start);
string get_api_version()
string work(player_x pl, coord3d pos, int keys)
string get_result_text(integer pl)
string get_info_text(integer pl)
void new_year()
void resume_game()
void is_valid_pos(player_x pl, coord3d pos, coord3d start)
void new_month()
string is_work_allowed_here(integer pl, integer tool_id, coord3d pos)
bool exit(player_x pl)
string get_about_text(integer pl)
string do_work(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, int keys)
string get_goal_text(integer pl)
void mark_tiles(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, int keys)
string get_debug_text(integer pl)
string jump_to_link_executed(coord3d pos)
string is_convoy_allowed(integer pl, convoy_x convoy, depot_x depot)
void start()
void step()
string get_rule_text(integer pl)
string get_map_file()
string is_schedule_allowed(integer pl, schedule_x schedule)
bool mark_tile(coord3d pos)
integer is_scenario_completed(integer pl)
bool is_tool_allowed(integer pl, integer tool_id, way_types wt)
bool init(player_x pl)