Go to the documentation of this file.
8 class command_x {
9 public:
14  command_x(tool_ids id);
18  integer get_flags();
24  void set_flags(integer flags);
32  string work(player_x pl, coord3d pos);
41  string work(player_x pl, coord3d pos, string param);
52  string work(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, string param);
61  static string build_way(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, way_desc_x way, bool straight);
71  static string build_road(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, way_desc_x way, bool straight, bool keep_city_roads);
78  static string build_depot(player_x pl, coord3d pos, building_desc_x depot);
86  static string build_station(player_x pl, coord3d pos, building_desc_x station, dir rotaton);
95  static string build_bridge(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, bridge_desc_x bridge);
103  static string build_bridge_at(player_x pl, coord3d start, bridge_desc_x bridge);
110  static string set_slope(player_x pl, coord3d pos, slope slope);
116  static string restore_slope(player_x pl, coord3d pos);
124  static string can_set_slope(player_x pl, coord3d pos, slope slope);
129  static integer slope_get_price(slope);
136  static string build_sign_at(player_x pl, coord3d pos, sign_desc_x sign);
144  static string build_wayobj(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, wayobj_desc_x wayobj);
151  static string change_climate_at(player_x pl, coord3d pos, integer climate);
152 };
static string restore_slope(player_x pl, coord3d pos)
static string build_bridge_at(player_x pl, coord3d start, bridge_desc_x bridge)
static string build_station(player_x pl, coord3d pos, building_desc_x station, dir rotaton)
void set_flags(integer flags)
static string build_wayobj(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, wayobj_desc_x wayobj)
integer get_flags()
static string build_way(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, way_desc_x way, bool straight)
command_x(tool_ids id)
static string build_sign_at(player_x pl, coord3d pos, sign_desc_x sign)
static string can_set_slope(player_x pl, coord3d pos, slope slope)
static string build_bridge(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, bridge_desc_x bridge)
static string build_depot(player_x pl, coord3d pos, building_desc_x depot)
string work(player_x pl, coord3d pos)
void start()
static string change_climate_at(player_x pl, coord3d pos, integer climate)
static string set_slope(player_x pl, coord3d pos, slope slope)
static string build_road(player_x pl, coord3d start, coord3d end, way_desc_x way, bool straight, bool keep_city_roads)
static integer slope_get_price(slope)