
This example is used to explain translatable texts at the page A script showing translatable texts..

map.file = "pharmacy-max.sve"
scenario.short_description = "Supply pharmacy" = "Dwachs"
scenario.version = "0.1"
function get_rule_text(pl)
return ttext("You can build everything you like. The sky (and your bank account) is the limit.")
function get_goal_text(pl)
return ttextfile("goal.txt")
function get_info_text(pl)
return ttext("Your transport company is engaged to help the oil and pharmacy business in the small city of Port Petrol.")
function get_result_text(pl)
local con = get_medicine_consumption()
local text = ttext("The pharmacy sold {med} units of medicine per month.") = con
local text2 = ""
if ( con >=120 )
text2 = ttext("<it>Congratulation!</it><br> <br> You won the scenario!")
text2 = ttext("Still too few units.")
return text.tostring() + "<br> <br>" + text2.tostring()
// accessor to the medicine supply statistics
medicine_slot <- null
function start()
medicine_slot = factory_x(42, 37).input.Medicine
function get_medicine_consumption()
return medicine_slot.consumed.reduce( max )
function is_scenario_completed(pl)
// supply 120 units to the pharmacy
return (get_medicine_consumption()*100 ) / 120