
This example is commented in detail at the page A simple example script.

map.file = "millionaire.sve"
scenario.short_description = "Millionaire" = "prissi (scripting by Dwachs)"
scenario.version = "0.1"
function get_rule_text(pl)
return ttext("No limits.")
function get_goal_text(pl)
return ttext("Become millionaire as fast as possible.")
function get_info_text(pl)
return ttext("You started a small transport company to become rich. Your grandparents did not have a glue, where all their money flows into.")
function get_result_text(pl)
local cash = get_cash(pl)
local text = ttext("Your bank account is worth {tcash}.")
text.tcash = cash
local text2 = ""
if ( cash >= 1000000 )
text2 = ttext("<it>Congratulation!</it><br> <br> You won the scenario!")
text2 = ttext("You still have to work a little bit harder.")
return text + "<br> <br>" + text2
function get_cash(pl)
return player_x(pl).cash[0]
function is_scenario_completed(pl)
return get_cash(pl) / 10000